This mortal coil, lifes journey, anger, passion, fire, energy,

Abstract Art Award

Abstract Art Award – This Mortal Coil


Irish Art - Award winning abstract oil painting - overall winning category and Abstract Art Award - This Mortal Coil, a journey through life of , anger, passion, fire, energy,
This Mortal Coil ©

Abstract Art Award


“This Mortal Coil”


A journey through fire, passion, darkness and into light.

I am very pleased  that I have been chosen as the

Overall Winner

in the   Light Space & Time 

Abstracts Art Competition – June 2012


1st Place  in the Painting & Other Category Competition

Congratulations to all the other participants and award winners.  My  thanks to Light Space & Time   for the opportunity and  support.



Twenty one countries from around the world, including the Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and   34 different  American states participated in this competition.

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