Art Goals in 2016

Already on Day Six of 2016 – time is pushing on and no real ‘get down to it’ art goals have been set, much less implemented!

Inspiration is everywhere – now it’s time to get going …Art is the honey of the human soul

Part of the problem in setting art goals in 2016 I guess, is that every time I sit by the computer, I am confronted with so much good stuff to read, absorb my thoughts, entertain, make me laugh, make me cry, steal my moments in time, bamboozle me!

… painting / blogging / digital media  / social media / lists / goals / photography / travel –  don’t get me started on  You Tube  …

then I come across articles on “distraction free writing” – is there no end?



I know –

Shut down the computer !

I will leave the final words  to Vincent van Gogh to encapsulate my art goals  in 2016

I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.”

Have you made any New Years Resolutions?

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